Reclaiming lives and restoring hope
John 316 Mission
Reclaiming lives and restoring hope, John 3:16 Mission will be accepting nonperishable goods.
Through the months of March and April at our Tulsa OK Branch, Join us in supporting the mission and bring any non-perishable food items that will be donated to John 3:16!
Together we can make a difference.
The Medley Cares program promotes team building throughout the company, and community awareness, and creates a sense of value and purpose. If you’re a Medley Equipment Company employee and would like to participate, or a Charitable Organization that needs helping hands, please contact Jennifer Owens at (405) 946-3453 Ext. 1261 for more information.
To learn more:
#ReclaimingLivesRestoringHope #MedleyCares