Viral Disinfection Kit – Sold Out
Inactivates Viral Pathogens
Item No. 903018
Viral Disinfection Kit: This kit is designed to allow anyone to quickly make disinfectant solutions which are effective against contagious viral and bacterial pathogens including Human Corona Virus, Influenza, Adenovirus type 4 and many others.
One Shot 256 Century Q Disinfectant is a hospital grade disinfectant-cleaner that when used properly, will inactivate Human Corona Viruses, including the novel human corona virus identified as SARSCoV-2, the cause of COVID-19 when used in accordance with label instructions for disinfecting against Adenovirus Type 4.
Check List of High Touch Critical Surfaces:
Bedrails | Tables | Light switches | Door knobs
Hand rails | Window sills | Desk tops | Chairs
Telephones | Door frames
The Kit includes:
6 One Shot Cartridges of Century Q Disinfectant | 2 One Shot Dispensing Bottles with trigger sprayers
2 Microfiber Towels | Detailed InstructionsMakes 6 full quarts of Hospital Grade Disinfectant,
sufficient to disinfectant 18,000 square feet of surface area.
Easy To Prepare Hospital Grade Virucidal Solutions
Fill With Water
Insert Cartridge
Attach Sprayer
Gently Mix
Spray N Wipe
All Surfaces